"Artie" Artax

This sweet, 11 year old Andalusian gelding, came to us highly anxious and in bad physical shape.
Sever abuse has made him wary of people and neglect left his pastern joints to fuse without proper, medical treatment.
After careful vet care, healthy nutrition and many, many hours of gaining his trust back he is in his best mental and physical condition and pain-free.
He is cleared by the vet for walk-only tack and trail rides, or as a companion horse.
Artie is a true unicorn. Super perceptive and responsive to groundwork cues, it's like you're working with a mind reader.
Because he can still get worried at times, we don't recommend him as a beginner's horse, but to someone who can be his calm, steady and reassuring leader.
He will make you a fantastic trail buddy so be sure to come and meet this special boy.
We are now looking for the perfect match for him!