Rest in peace

It is completely beyond us how this sweet boy ever ended up in the auction pipeline.
When Alfie came to us he was in pretty rough shape, underfed, with a crusty, beat up nose.
But with many baths, hand walks, and all the best vet and dental care he soon recovered and we got to see the kind and gentle soul he was.
The unfair thing is that when horses have been neglected and mistreated for a long time even the best care isn't enough to reverse all of the damage that has been done.
We were privileged enough to see his coat return to its glorious shine and that sparkle to return into his eyes as he lived 5 short, yet love-filled months with us.
We were all devastated when we lost him to colic.
Alfie, it was our honor to give you a dignified end to your earthly life!